
TSP can provide you with durable, scratch resistant acrylic for your specific flat panel protective viewing applications. Acrylic sheet comes in two grades:
- Standard grade (extruded)
- Optical grade (cell cast)
Please consult the datasheets or contact one of our Sales Engineers to assist you in deciding which is best for your application.
All acrylic is available with a DURAVUE® coating on:
- both sides
- one side where the uncoated second side is needed for printing or adhesive mounting, etc.
- different coatings on either side
- DURAVUE® 1000optical applications
- DURAVUE® 2000high resolution anti-glare hardcoat
- DURAVUE® 7000durable anti-reflective hardcoat
Request a Sample Kit
See it for yourself! Kit contains hardcoated plaques with each of our DURAVUE® coatings.
Request Sample Kit

While we do not manufacture bare acrylic sheeting ourselves, we have longstanding sourcing arrangements with the highest quality sheet producers worldwide, which allows us to select the most affordable and applicable option for your specific need.
Because of our extensive use of acrylic sheet in-house to produce ready-to-install windows, we are able to source you more rapidly, with stock of several common thicknesses, sizes and colors on hand at all times.
- DURAVUE® 1000 on sheets up to 60″ x 120″
- DURAVUE® 2000 on sheets up to 36″ x 72″
- DURAVUE® 7000 on sheets up to 12″ x 12″
- 0.030″ to 1.75″
- Wide range to choose from (contact us for full list)
Whatever your need, TSP will supply you an acrylic sheet with excellent optical quality that significantly extends the service life of your product.